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Welcome to Tennessee - known for moon pies, Tennessee whiskey, and of course music. From east to west Tennessee is exploding with music - country, rock and roll, pop, gospel, soul, blues, you name it and Tennessee has you covered.

Whenever Tennessee is said I have to respond with, you're the only ten-I-see. There is no stopping it. It is automatically programmed in my brain.

Fun facts:

  • Nashville has it’s own Parthenon. The building itself and a 42 foot statue of Athena are both full-scale replicas of the ancient Greek original. The replica was built in 1897 for Tennessee’s Centennial Exposition and has been an art museum ever since. It’s such a fun and weird part of Nashville and I highly recommend checking it out. 
  • The GooGoo cluster was the first ever combination candy bar and was created right here in Tennessee. And what is a combination candy bar you ask? It just means that they use several separate ingredients to make the candy bar instead of say a bar of chocolate. So this little cluster paved the way for other popular candy bars like Snickers, Milky Ways, and Reese’s Cups. You can even visit the GooGoo shop in Nashville.
  • The first self-serve grocery store, Piggly Wiggly, was founded in Memphis Tennessee in 1916. Prior to this grocery, shoppers had to compile a list and wait while a clerk collected their items for them.

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