
Welcome to Ohio - like most of the Midwest, Ohio is known for their agriculture. You can't drive through Ohio without thinking of corn. You just can't.

The two major cities in Ohio are Columbus and Cleveland. One houses the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the other has Legoland.

Fun facts:

  • Ohio didn’t offically become a state until 1953. It was declared a state in 1803 butttt technically it didn’t get a presidential stamp until Eisenhower signed off on it. Which means some of your parents/grandparents might be older than Ohio!
  • I read somewhere that even the word Ohio looks like a damn tractor. And they’re right. I can’t unsee it.
  • You don’t have to drive out to the dessert to see wild cactus, Ohio actually has it’s own native species. The Eastern prickly pear cactus is native to the state and grows in it’s sandy soil. Check out Kitty Todd Nature Preserve for all your native cactus needs!

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