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Welcome to Virginia - known for crazy beach towns, historic towns, and one of the most beautiful drives I have ever been on: Th Blue Ridge Parkway.

When you start driving south into Virginia it is the first state that feels like your transitioning from the hectic north to the sleepier south which is a great change of pace to witness. I also had the best diner pie in this state so bonus points!

Fun facts:

  • George Washington won his first House sear by getting his voters drunk here. Back in the day, it was common for politicians to hand out drinks on election day. (These days you have to drink to get through the results of most elections but anyway…) When he first ran for the House seat he kept his election day campaign dry and lost. When he returned three years later, he handed out about a half gallon of booze per voter and won in a land slide! Who knowns how history would have turned out if good ol’ boy George didn’t throw a killer election day party.
  • The mouth of the Chesapeake bay was formed by a meteorite impact 35 million years ago.
  • Virginia has the largest Naval Base in the world. It also has the second largest concentration of military personnel in the world.
