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Welcome to Washington - often confused for the countries capital but this is not it and is actually located over 2,600 miles away.

Washington State has beautiful scenery, unique waterways, fantastic mushrooms, and tall tall mountains.

Fun facts:

  • During World War 2, there was a fake camouflaged town in Washington. The government had a secret bomb making factory south of Seattle. In order to hide this factory, Boeing entirely camouflaged it with a fake neighborhood created by a Hollywood set designer. So if you were to drive by or fly over this factory, it would look just like any other normal town. This fake town is no longer, but it is still a super fun part of history.
  • The current hot craze sport, pickleball, was invented in Washington. If you haven’t heard of pickleball, it is a mix between tennis, badminton, and ping pong. The sport was invented in 1967 but is becoming the fastest growing sport in America.
  • Washington is named after the first President, George Washington. The state was almost named Columbia but some worried that a state named Columbia would be confused with the District of Columbia (aka Washington DC). So in reality, it’s still just as confusing all the same.
